The Lumber-Jack

The Lumbe-Jack

She pulled in to her driveway, gracefully leaving her car
Then spied the handsome stranger, splitting logs not off too far
With each swing from his mighty ax
the logs beneath would yield
His strong grasp and rhymed thrusts,
 gave her mind a fantasy filled
She watched in awesome silence, the droplets glisten as they fell
off his handsome sweat soaked body, for it was hot as hell
With each stroke his well-toned muscles rippled as they danced
Tightening then relaxing, he took his woodsman’s stance
She sat upon her porch steps, her needs making their demands
As he plied his craft his instrument fit nicely in his hand.
The handsome stranger glanced; then caught her as she stared
He gave a lustful smile, in that moment they both shared
Emboldened by his twinkling eye, and the rueful way he stood
She knew within an instant, she could have him,
and she would.
With no further hesitation, her decision quickly made
She trod over to the stranger, inviting him to the shade
when they sat she noticed every bulge and curve
Then quietly, for an instant, she thought she’d lose her nerve
Before the time it took, for her to blink an eye
The handsome strangers hand, she found upon her thigh
As his other pulled her closer, cheek-to-cheek and eye-to-eye
Parted lips and wanton looks on both her face and his
The two now locked together in the passion of a kiss
Now I’ve got your attention with this story I have told
Use your imaginations but don’t let it grow too cold…

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